
Mathematical Education on Merseyside (MEM) is an organisation which brings together staff from the three universities in Liverpool and local school teachers, to devise, enable and promote mathematical activities throughout the region. MEM is a registered charity (no. 517028).

Some of these activities are organised and supported by Liverpool Mathematical Society (LivMS).

Keep an eye on these webpages for updates on events this term, some of which might be face-to-face, some will take place via Zoom, and others might involve downloadable materials.

This is our newsletter and is circulated three times a year at the start of each school term, informing schools and other interested parties about local mathematical events and talks. Current and back issues are available. These free take-home competitions are held over February half term, and are open to all Y7/8 and Y9/10 pupils respectively.  Current and back issues (and solutions) are available.
These are for able and enthusiastic Y8/9 pupils and are normally held in the autumn term.  COVID-19 caused the cancellation of the Saturday classes in 2020 but a series of five Saturday classes did take place in 2023. Details can be seen here: MEM Masterclasses

The FunMaths Roadshow V6, consisting of 350 activities, is available for purchase by download from the LivMS website. The activities are arranged in fourteen ‘boxes’, each containing 25 mathematical activities displayed on coloured laminated A3 card, with associated equipment. Welsh versions of Boxes -1 to 8 are available and some other languages are available in an earlier version (V4). LivMS FunMaths Roadshow V6

Free Roadshow activities for use by pupils and parents at home. Liverpool Mathematical Society (LivMS) has released a selection of activities for use at home, based on the very successful FunMaths Roadshow. These are free of charge. Also included are Notes for Guidance, templates for making the resources, and Hints and Answers. FMR Home Activities (free)

MEM CHARITY SPONSORSHIP  MEM is a registered charity (no. 517028) and has received sponsorship in the past year from Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool John Moores University, Mercer Ltd, P.H. Holt Charitable Trust, the University of Liverpool, and W.H. Smith Ltd, for which we are very grateful. We are always seeking further support, both financial and in-kind, to enable us to continue our work. If you would like to become a sponsor, please contact us

To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) from May 2018, MEM is rebuilding its Mailing List from scratch. To add your name and email address to our Mailing List, the panel on the right has links to the online form and the MEM Privacy Policy. You can remove your name at any time. Many thanks.

For a diary of local events click Events Diary on any webpage

How it all began: Liverpool Mathematical Society (1899) and Mathematical Education on Merseyside (1976)

MEM Partners and Supporters

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